Week 8 Reading and Writing

Overall, I think my favorite reading has been the last one I did, the Nigerian Folk Stories. I think my reading notes definitely help me remember what I want to write about in my story, just because usually I do my readings on Sunday nights and then write my story on Thursdays, so it is nice to have that refresher. I am happy with my class project so far, and I think that it is on track to be really good and just cute. Everyone loves dogs! (I hope). I think my biggest accomplishment in this class so far is just actually enjoying what I read and write. That might sound bad, but I am much more of a science person than a writing person, but I am starting to look forward to writing my stories now each week. It is fun and I feel invested in making a good story! 

Baby King from Pinterest

This is my favorite photo because nothing is cuter to me than baby puppies. Especially puppy German Shepherds, and especially puppy German Shepherds on their "first day of school" :)

I think looking forward that one thing I can do to get more out of my reading and writing for this class is to do a little more research on the possible readings. Usually I just pick a unit that sounds good and roll with it. I think I could potentially enjoy the readings more if I sampled several and only chose my favorite one, instead of picking just the first one that catches my eye. 
