Reading Notes Part A: Brothers Grimm

For this extra credit reading I chose the story of Rumpelstiltskin to do reading notes over. I have heard this story before, but forgot the ending. This story has an absolutely ridiculous ending. A girl's dad tells the king that she can spin straw into gold, so the king tries to get her to. Of course she doesn't actually know how, but a little man comes who does and he helps her twice in exchange for various jewelry. The third time she says she will give him her first born child, but once she marries the king and has a baby she says nah bro. The little man gets pissed and says fine if you can figure out my name you can keep your baby. So she tries and finally she finds a guy who overheard the little man singing in his house that his name is Rumpelstiltskin. So the queen tells him his name on the third day and he gets so pissed that he literally stomps himself into the ground and then rips himself in half. Like I said, it's ridiculous. 

If I were to rewrite this story I would stick pretty much to what's already there, but I would probably make it a little more dramatic and add some dialouge to it to make it more funny. I think the original plotline is pretty much gold, but I also wonder why did the girls dad even say that to the king in the first place if he knew she couldn't actually spin gold. Did he know about Rumpelstiltskin? That is something I would think about when writing my story as well. 

 Rumpelstiltskin by PookPress

The Grimm Brothers' Childrens' and Household Tales by D.L. Ashliman link
